
Relation.cast(model=None, strict=False, include=None, exclude=None)

Cast the columns of the relation to types compatible with the associated model.

The associated model must either be set by invoking Relation.set_model() or provided with the model parameter.

Any columns of the relation that are not part of the given model schema will be left as-is.

  • model (Optional[TypeVar(ModelType, bound= Model)]) – If Relation.set_model() has not been invoked or is intended to be overwritten.

  • strict (bool) – If set to False, columns which are technically compliant with the specified field type, will not be casted. For example, a column annotated with int is technically compliant with SMALLINT, even if INTEGER is the default SQL type associated with int-annotated fields. If strict is set to True, the resulting dtypes will be forced to the default dtype associated with each python type.

  • include (Optional[Collection[str]]) – If provided, only the given columns will be casted.

  • exclude (Optional[Collection[str]]) – If provided, the given columns will not be casted.

Return type:

TypeVar(RelationType, bound= Relation)


New relation where the columns have been casted according to the model schema.


>>> import patito as pt
>>> class Schema(pt.Model):
...     float_column: float
>>> relation = pt.duckdb.Relation("select 1 as float_column")
>>> relation.types["float_column"]
>>> relation.cast(model=Schema).types["float_column"]
>>> relation = pt.duckdb.Relation("select 1::FLOAT as float_column")
>>> relation.cast(model=Schema).types["float_column"]
>>> relation.cast(model=Schema, strict=True).types["float_column"]
>>> class Schema(pt.Model):
...     column_1: float
...     column_2: float
>>> relation = pt.duckdb.Relation(
...     "select 1 as column_1, 2 as column_2"
... ).set_model(Schema)
>>> relation.types
{'column_1': INTEGER, 'column_2': INTEGER}
>>> relation.cast(include=["column_1"]).types
{'column_1': DOUBLE, 'column_2': INTEGER}
>>> relation.cast(exclude=["column_1"]).types
{'column_1': INTEGER, 'column_2': DOUBLE}